Ski Touring Narvik Day 3

Lossiestua to Cunojavrihytta
(lifted straight from my notebook)
A ‘shorter’ day this time, again in brilliant sunshine.
The day started with a nice little descent into the valley. Leaving the hut without your skins on is a good feeling. Gravity assisted excitement from the word go. Bags are starting to get lighter now which adds to the skiing experience.

There was a little more wind today so breaks were taken at sheltered spots. Behind boulders were a favourite and we started tucking into the banana cake. It is really good stuff!
The error of the day was trying to cross the outlet of an underground hydro station. The water was warmer as it had been underground and this resulted in a huge uncrossable torrent, sitting in a deep snow gorge. Suffice to say, we went round.
We stopped for lunch sometime after 1pm as it was starting to get pretty hot.

There was a mirage as we approached cunojavrihytta in the form of another hut! We went hard and as we got close we realised it was just a wee one and had to ski on further for some minutes in the baking lunar landscape.
There was an exciting section in the middle where we got to choose our own lines through some undulating rocky terrain. We have spent a lot of time just following skin trails, which is a little bit boring sometimes. Its like a string course through the snow without the exciting pictures at control sites. And you have to provide your own sweeties.
All in all a fairly easy day at 4hrs. This should allow us to be prepared for tomorrows beast. I actually just managed to sneak out on my own for some extra. I skied up a wee hill near the hut in the evening sunshing. Pretty nice decent with long sweeping turns.