Wee Flickr Photopicker

June 06, 2011

Orienteering Flag

This is a little tool for embedding flickr images on blog posts. For some reason flickr makes this hard to achieve through the web interface so this little sinatra application solves the problem.

This may be a violation of the flickr terms of service, so you might want to remember to credit flickr on the blog posts.

This app is designed to be deployed to heroku.

Steps to deploy

  • git clone git://github.com/pyrat/wee_flickr.git
  • sign up for heroku account (heroku.com)
  • (sudo) gem install heroku
  • edit FLICKR_USERNAME in app.rb to yours
  • commit change locally (git commit -v -a)
  • heroku create [your app name]
  • git push heroku master


If you click the paste board a textile snippet is copied to your clipboard. It assumes that you are writing your blog posts in textile! And this can be pasted into your blog post.

You may want to use this tool as a base for a markdown or plain html embed code system.

Source is on github, wee_flickr