Beaufort to Bourg St Maurice

Welcome to the real deal
Today brought the high alps to the table. Out of the hotel and immediately up to 1710m for the col du pre was a toughy.
12km of rise with over 10% height gain in places. Then a short descent then over an impressive dam, the barrage de cormeland.
Then up to my highest point I have ever been on a bike; the cormet de roselend at 1900m. A spot of lunch was had along with a spot of lunch with other keen cyclists.

Then the title for the most obscene descent was taken again. 20km of steep descent with countless hairpins and braking burning moments. Dont think the front brakes have long left.
Instead of staying at bourd st maurice I have changed plan a bit and am in the chalet of villaroger 1200m up. Steve Nicolson’s parent have a top class place here and I managed to organise it at the last moment.
I approached Villaroger on the ‘logging road’ and got my first puncture of the trip. It was raining and thus very unwelcome! Doh!

The road I was on was closed but I ignored these warnings, thinking it would be possible to squeeze through on my bike. But when I got there I was greeted with carnage. The road had been ripped apart on the hillside to put in a pump storage system.
I took off the cycle bags and carried the bike across the ravine and then took the bags afterwards.
Then I made the final ascent to Villaroger in the rain. Great to speak english after french tastic for a few days. Also nice to hear stories of off piste skiing. Something which very much floats my boat. Sue Nicolson is still a hardcore off piste skier it seems.
Tomorrow is the second biggest climb for the trip taking me up to around 2700m. Legs are starting to feel it a bit now but still feeling strong all in all.