La Clusaz to Beaufort

The Sun is Shining
There was an obscene thunderstorm through the night. I was given the best packed lunch I have every had by the dude at the hostel. A lush big slab of brie amongst other things.
Feeling strong up the first ascent of the col de aravis. First descent was really good, dry up top still wet lower down due to the thunderstorms.
Cyclecomputer is still bust so bought a new one in the only cycle shop en route. Its a shit one and it doesnt have a clock on it so it turns out that I am still watchless. I want a really nice swiss watch but I am not affluent enough at the moment, so will look out for a ghetto casio from the early nineties.
The second ascent of the day was the col des saisies. This was the climb of the day; I was feeling the burn near the summit, but it lot easier than then columbiere partly due to the weather.
Lunch at the top (obscenely good lunch) then down the best descent I have ever done on a bike. There were some long straight sections allowing speeds in excess of 40mph.
Then I tried to find the white wolf hostel. Eventually I found it and was greeted by the white wolf himself. Unfortunately the hostel was no longer open and it has turned into an ex seasonaires drug addict retreat. Was about to ask if I could stay there anyway (as it would have been fun) but a big black labrador chased me away.
So back into beaufort and in a rocking cheap hotel. Went to visit the cheese factory here, the smell of ammonia was unreal.