FAQ_U Rails FAQ Generator Plugin
For a christmas present I give you the Rails FAQ Generator plugin FAQ_U.
This is a simple layout-less unbranded Frequently Asked Questions system. The idea is you generate the default system and then customise it to the requirements of the particular project that you are working on.
Remember to add some authentication to the faq_admin controller.
Requires HAML. To install it:
gem install --no-ri haml
haml --rails path/to/app
To install the plugin:
./script/plugin install http://vorlich.ath.cx/code/excited/plugins/faq_u
To run the generator:
./script/generate faq
This generates a FAQ admin controller, FAQ view controller, the necessary views, a model, db migration and a collection of
After the generator is complete run the migration to get the database up to scratch.
rake db:migrate
The faq admin is available at /faq_admin and the front end at /faq. As you can see below it looks pretty filthy, but as you can see below that, with the introduction of a layout it looks nicer.
A would be nice would be a nice AJAX ordering interface in the faq_admin. Feel free to send me some svn patches of any improvements you make. Please write some tests to prove the new functionality works. Cheers now, Merry Christmas.