Tinder Continuous Integration to Campfire Script
November 30, 2007
Recently signal vs noise showcased how their continuous integration tool posts to campfire using the tinder api. Well I thought that it looked cool so have thrown together a quick and dirty ruby script to do it as well.
It will integrate with anything which has an RSS feed. Cruisecontrol.rb does and works nicely. Its a bit rough around the edges but works as is. Run it from the crontab and you are sorted.
Improvements welcome.
Here is the code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_record'
require 'simple-rss'
require 'open-uri'
require 'tinder'
include Tinder
# Author: Alastair Brunton
# http://www.simplyexcited.co.uk
# Rss to Campfire
campfire_domain = 'simplyexcited'
campfire_email = 'cheer@cheerfactory.co.uk'
campfire_password = 'xxxx'
feeds = %w(http://feedserver/edflats.rss)
ActiveRecord :: Base . logger = Logger . new ( STDERR )
ActiveRecord :: Base . colorize_logging = false
ActiveRecord :: Base . establish_connection (
:adapter => "mysql" ,
:username => "username" ,
:password => "password" ,
:database => "ci_to_campfire"
# uncomment this section the first time to create the table
# ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
# create_table :items do |table|
# table.column :feed_identifier, :string
# table.column :title, :string
# table.column :link, :string
# table.column :description, :text
# end
# end
class Item < ActiveRecord :: Base
def to_s
%(Theres been some action: \n
#{ self . title } \n\n
#{ self . description }
campfire = Campfire . new campfire_domain
campfire . login campfire_email , campfire_password
room = campfire . find_room_by_name ( 'The Office' )
feeds . each do | rss_url |
rss_user_agent = "RSS to Campfire"
rss_items = SimpleRSS . parse open ( rss_url , "User-Agent" => rss_user_agent )
for item in rss_items . items
Item . transaction do
unless existing_item = Item . find ( :all , :conditions => [ "link=? AND feed_identifier=?" , item . link , rss_url ] ) . first
new_item = Item . create ( :title => item . title , :link => item . link , :description => item . description , :feed_identifier => rss_url )
room . paste ( new_item . to_s )
room . leave
campfire . logout