Rupdf - Simple Ruby PDF Rails Plugin

December 15, 2007

This is a plugin which I have developed internally with Iformis. I realised it would be nice to share yet another pdf plugin with the rails community. This is designed to render pdfs with layouts. This is especially useful when working on projects where the pdf has to conform to a set design and where the data is presented in a generate report style. Banks often operate their tools in this manner.

Simple PDF reporting rails plugin designed to render layout based pdfs. Built on top of Ruport which is in turn built on top of pdf-writer.

Requires Ruport

Step 1: Install Ruport

gem install ruport

Step 2: Install the plugin (from RAILS_ROOT)

./script/plugin install

Step 3: Create a class extending Rupdf::Base

Note: The only methods calls required are define_header, define_body and define_footer
The other methods are helper methods. Remember that html doesnt work in the body.

class Simple < Rupdf::Base

  define_variables :report_title
  renders :pdf, :for => Rupdf::Renderer

  define_header do

  define_body do
    add_text("hello man\n\n\n")
    add_text("bye man.")

    add_text("bye man.")
    add_text("hello man\n\n\n")
    add_text("bye man.")
    add_text("hello man\n\n\n")
    add_text("bye man.")

    # add image (path defined at runtime)

    add_text("hello man\n\n\n")
    add_text("bye man.")
    add_text("hello man\n\n\n")


  define_footer do
    footer_text = %(
    This is the beautiful footer text.

  def add_header(title)
    rounded_text_box("<b>#{title}</b>") do |o|
      header_color = Color::RGB.from_html("#FFDE16")
      o.fill_color = header_color
      o.stroke_color = header_color
      o.radius     = 0
      o.width      = options.header_width || 550
      o.height     = options.header_height || 80
      o.font_size  = options.header_font_size || 12
      o.x          = pdf_writer.absolute_right_margin - o.width
      o.y          = pdf_writer.absolute_top_margin


  def add_footer(text, options = nil)

    unless options
      options = => 6)

    rounded_text_box(text) do |o|
      footer_color = Color::RGB.from_html("#EAECEE")
      o.fill_color = footer_color
      o.stroke_color = footer_color
      o.radius     = 0
      o.width      = options.header_width || 550
      o.height     = options.header_height || 60
      o.font_size  = options.font_size || 12
      o.x          = pdf_writer.absolute_right_margin - o.width
      o.y          = pdf_writer.absolute_bottom_margin + o.height




Step 4: Tie it into a controller and pass the variables at runtime.

class TestController < ApplicationController

  def pdf
    simple =
    pdf = Rupdf::Renderer.render_pdf do |o|
      o.report_title = 'This is a test of a var being passed.'
      o.smile_path = RAILS_ROOT + '/public/images/smile.jpg'


The send_pdf function sends the rendered pdf to the browser.

If you need to perform more complicated pdf rendering operation
please refer to the API Documentation for pdf-writer. The API docs for
ruport will also be useful if you are involved in presenting tabular
data from activerecord.

Example programming code along with how to call it is supplied in the
examples directory. I suggest you use these as a base for pdf generation code you write.

This has been tested with both Rails 1.2 and Rails 2.01. Thanks for listening.