Running as a City Tour

September 17, 2007

Im in Berlin at the moment for Railsconf Europe. After a long day today I went for a nice run round the city to make more sense of the city and how it all fits together. I love running in random place where you dont really know the layout.

You can cover so much ground in a short time and this allows you to take in much much more. Its the same with Hill running. You can be up the mountain, down the mountain and in the pub before the hill walkers have got half way up.

I did a good thing and a bad thing. I hope its ok. I was running and I found the holocaust memorial (pictured above) but didnt know this at the time. I decided to run along the tops of all the concrete. This made for a good time as they end up being about 3-4m high and I was jumping between them in the dark. This brought on the fear and was a great adrenaline hit. The thing is I feel direspectul after I knew what it was.

I suppose as I was ignorant it was OK. :0)