Buy Little, Buy Quality

September 14, 2007

In the same vein as my last minimalist post I have been thinking about buying stuff. The wonderful website that is ebuyer allows me to purchase computer stuff super cheap.

The thing is these products don’t last that long and often has shortcomings. The result is that you end up with something which is OK for the short time but doesn’t last. Its the same with shoes.

I think it is a far better investment and so do lots of other people that its better to buy less. Instead of impulse buying wait for 14 days and see if you still really want it. If the answer is yes, then go for it. Dont buy stuff which is stupidly expensive but try to get a quality product which is going to last.

For example, a few months ago I bought a flat panel monitor to replace my ageing CRT. It turned out that there was a monitor available for like £50 which was a 14.1" in size. I though wow! Thats properly cheap and bought it. Now that im using only laptops and these have better screens that this, it is useless. I should have spent 3x more for a 24" and instead have a tasty docking station.

Even underwear should be good. One area which you can scrimp on though is t-shirts. Just by cheap ones and replace them every few months.